20 Ways to Ruin an Interview

1. Arrive late.
If you can't show up on time for an interview, why would an employer trust you to show up on time every day if you're hired?

2. Arrive unprepared.
If you really want a certain job at a company, you need to know as much as possible about the position and the company BEFORE you get to the interview.

3. Show up with a friend.
Unless you're a teenager who just got her first work permit, you need to come to every job interview alone. If a friend or relative gives you a ride, arrange to meet him off the premises later in the day.

4. Don't show up at all.
An interviewer may not remember every name from a stack of resumes, but she might remember the name of the person who never showed up for an interview. In a nation of job hoppers and small world stories, you never know where you might run into her again.

5. Dress improperly.
Inappropriate attire shows you didn't plan for the interview or make an effort to learn what the company dress code is.

6. Stink up the joint.
If you smoke, don't do it before an interview. Ditch cologne or perfume altogether. Don't consume any questionable food beforehand, such as garlic or onions. In an enclosed office, nothing smells better than, well, nothing.

7. Greet your interviewer with a lame handshake.
You don't have to crush his hand, but you must develop a firm, professional handshake. Don't discriminate between the sexes either. Giving your female interviewer a lame half-handshake will never help you get hired.

8. Talk too much.
Every interviewer wants a candidate to speak and ask questions. However, listening is just as important. So make sure your ears are open more often than your mouth.

9. Don't talk enough.
The fear of talking too much should not prevent you from talking enough. Even if you're not naturally chatty, you should answer all questions thoughtfully and thoroughly and attempt to engage your interviewer in a congenial, professional manner.

10. Use curse words or slang.
Cursing has become more commonplace in pop culture, but it has no place in a job interview unless you're applying for work as a stand-up comedian.

11. Act too familiar with the interviewer.
An interview is a meeting and everyone wants to attend meetings that are focused and follow an agenda. Don't mistake being friendly for being familiar by revealing personal information that is off topic.

12. Act like an "-ist."
Nothing says you don't want a job more than displaying qualities or making statements that could be deemed racist or sexist. If you have a personal problem with this, go get some diversity and sensitivity training.

13. Answer your mobile phone.
There is almost no situation in which you cannot turn off your mobile phone for a 30-minute period. If there is, schedule your interview for another time or day.

14. Avoid eye contact.
Making eye contact indicates connection and honesty. Even if you're shy, you must make and maintain eye contact during an interview or risk a hiring manager viewing you as evasive or insecure.

15. Act arrogant and overconfident.
Companies today want to hire team players, not self-centered blowhards who cannot accept criticism or work well with others.

16. Act desperate.
No matter how badly you need a job, never let 'em see you grovel. Focus on being enthusiastic about the company and confident in your ability to do a good job.

17. Lie.
Lying to an interviewer about a skill, experience or a degree could possibly get you hired. It will also get you fired before you start thanks to the now ubiquitous background check.

18. Bad-mouth your former employer.
Even if you worked for Dr. Hannibal Lecter, it's best to avoid talking trash about a former employer. Instead, focus on your own responsibilities and accomplishments at each job you held.

19. Criticize the company or any of its employees.
No matter what performance issues or scandals have been revealed in the media, do not bring up a company's dirty laundry or less-than-dazzling performance. If asked to comment on either, be diplomatic and offer solution-oriented answers rather than judgments.

20. Ask questions that focus solely on perks and fun.
Don't spend all your time asking about vacation, sick days, a company's bonus structure and any possible perks. In fact, on a first interview, try not to focus too much on these topics at all.

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