www.TaxCutFacts.org Shows Obama-Biden Tax Calculator

Following claims of increased Taxes under Obama fueled by such people as Joe the Plumber, the Obama Campaign has produced a website: www.TaxCutFacts.org, titled Obama-Biden Tax Calculator, where people can put in their income and choose other options that applies in order to calculate what their taxes would be.

Interestingly the site, in addition to Obama's tax savings, also calculates McCain's tax savings, and other tax credits under Obama.

On the site, www.TaxCutFacts.org it says: "Barack Obama and Joe Biden will cut taxes for 95% of working families, and provide at least three times as much tax relief for middle class families as John McCain and Sarah Palin. The Obama/Biden plan provides $1,000 of tax relief for workers and new tax benefits to help families pay for college, childcare and save for retirement."

And it also encourages visitors to tell a friend or copy the widget to their sites.

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